When Should You Take Your Child To A Pediatrician?

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Pediatrician services can make a major difference in a child's well-being. However, it can feel like a kid's life is filled with health oddities. How can you tell it's the right time to take your child to a pediatrician? Here are 6 instances when a trip is worth it.

Runny Nose

While runny noses are common among children, if there isn't a known allergy triggering the runny nose, it's a sign of a potential health problem. Even a mild cold or flu case can make a kid miserable, and it's best to address the problem at the first sign of trouble.


A kid's temperature should not run significantly above 98.6°F for very long. Even if a kid has been running around on a hot day, their body should cool quickly once they settle down. If a child's temperature stays high, you will want a professional to check the situation out. It may be a sign of illness, or it could be a sign of dehydration from high activity. Either way, they need care.

Regular Checkups

It is important to schedule regular checkups. In early childhood, you may need to conduct checkups once or twice a year. Once a kid gets to school age, you can schedule an annual checkup as long as no other issues arise.

Limited Physical Growth

Some kids struggle to keep up in height and weight with their peers. Even if you come from a family of shorter stature or lighter weight, do not dismiss this issue. Problems with metabolism or nutrition can limit a kid's growth.

It is best to talk with a pediatrician about how your kid is doing. This includes covering things like picky eating or the unwillingness to follow a meal schedule.


Once more, it is easy to assume some kids bang themselves up. However, a child should not bruise easily from everyday activities. If your kid is bruising after minor bumps, it may be a sign of something bigger.

Wheezing, Gasping, or Coughing

A healthy child should not have lots of breathing problems. If you are hearing indications of respiratory problems, it may be a sign of illness, asthma, or allergies. Similarly, a kid should not be gasping for breath if they have not been running at full speed. Even if they have, they should recover quickly. Contact a pediatrician services practice if you notice respiratory concerns of any type.
