Tips For Improved Teleneurology Conference

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Neurology is a very specialized field that only a few people go into across the country. As a result, most of the neurologists are in major cities. It is rare for hospitals in smaller cities to have a neurologist on site. This can cause problems for patients who need the expertise of a neurologist in order to be diagnosed or treated. The patients will either have to be transported to a hospital, potentially far away, that has the requisite expert, or the neurologist will have to come to him or her. One breakthrough in modern technology is teleneurology, or the ability to stream brain scans and other information about a patient who might be suffering from a stroke to experts within a very short period of time, allowing that patient to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. If you have a patient that has potentially had a stroke, time is of the essence. Here are some tips for effectively using teleneurology to help get your patient rapid treatment.

1. Have a Set Schedule of Neurologists to Contact Based on Day and Time

Be sure that you have a set schedule of neurologists to contact based on the day of the week and the time of day. This is important because you want to make sure that there is at least one neurologist available at any given time during the day. This will allow you to ensure that your patients are getting all of the care that they need, regardless of the time that they have a stroke. Having a set schedule can increase the chances that someone will be available to almost 100%.

Try to set up your schedule so that you avoid waking up neurologists in the middle of the night. This will allow your doctors to stay satisfied with their job as well as ensure that your patients are getting care from fully alert professionals, rather than slightly groggy professionals.

2. Have Common Data Organization

There is likely a network of neurologists that you are entering when you start offering teleneurology. The network likely has a format in which they like to have their information presented. Sticking with the common data organization when you present your diagnostic test results to the experts will allow you to get faster service and a faster diagnosis. 

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in teleneurology and off hours calls. Contact a company like Telespecialists to get started.
