Add These High-Fiber Foods To Your Diet When You Have An Anal Fissure
Through prolonged periods of constipation, it's possible to develop an anal fissure. This series of small tears in your anus can be extremely painful and cause concern when you see blood in the toilet. It's important to avoid letting any embarrassment get in the way of seeking medical treatment — you should always schedule a visit with your health practitioner if you experience pain or blood while moving your bowels. In the days leading up to your appointment, it's ideal to increase the fiber in your diet. Doing so, alongside drinking water regularly, will help to soften your stools and make moving your bowels much less painful. Here are some readily available foods to make sure you consume.
In addition to being loaded with vitamins and minerals to boost your overall health, fresh raspberries are one of the best sources of dietary fiber you can find. Just one cup of raspberries provides eight grams of dietary fiber, which is significant. Women should try to get 25 grams of fiber in their diets each day, while the daily recommendation for men is 38 grams. Raspberries are also ideal because they're easy to snack on at any point in the day.
Apples are another valuable source of dietary fiber — but it's important that you eat them without peeling them first. The skin of an apple is high in fiber, and while you'll get some fiber from eating a peeled apple, the fiber is significantly higher when you eat the skin, too. A medium-sized, unpeeled apple that measures about three inches in diameter will provide you with 4.4 grams of fiber.
Sweet Potatoes
Although cooking sweet potatoes takes a bit of preparation, you'll appreciate the dose of fiber this food provides as you attempt to improve the ease of your bowel movements. One cup of mashed sweet potatoes provides 4.3 grams of fiber, making it a valuable addition to your dinner.
Quinoa is a versatile grain that you can eat cold or hot in salads, casseroles and more. Most importantly, it provides you with a hefty dose of fiber. One cup of cooked quinoa will give you 5.2 grams of fiber.
While turnips are often seen as a holiday food, there's nothing wrong with incorporating them into your diet throughout the year — especially if you're keen to increase your fiber to help with your anal fissures. One cup of cooked turnip will give you 4.6 grams of dietary fiber.