How To Be A Supportive Family Member To Someone In Alcohol Rehabilitation
If you have a close family member that is currently admitted to an alcohol rehabilitation center, they are going to need your support in order to get through the program and get on the road to a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few ways you can support them and yourself throughout their rehabilitation program:
Start By Taking Care Of Yourself
It is not easy to be there for someone who is suffering from alcoholism. It takes effort to support them every day and to deal with the consequences their disease has had on your life. If you really want to support your close family member, you need to take the time they are in rehab to also focus on taking care of yourself.
To start with, you should attend your own twelve-step recovery program. There are many anonymous support groups for friends and family members of individuals who suffer from alcoholism. Make it a point to attend regular meetings while your close family member is in rehab. These meetings will help you deal with your own issues towards their disease as well as towards their healing process.
You should also allow yourself some space to relax and unwind. Remember that at the moment, someone else is looking after your family member, and this is a great time for you to take a break and rejuvenate. When your family member completes their rehab, they are still going to need a lot of support from you, so be sure to take some time to improve your own mental, emotional and physical health while they are addressing their issues in rehab.
Keep Open Lines Of Communication With Your Family Member
Rehabilitation is not an easy process; it requires a lot of willpower and strength in order to complete the process and come out a healthier individual.
The first thing you need to do is tell your family member that you are really glad that they have identified that they have an issue and are taking steps to fix it. Let them know that feel pride in their current choice to seek treatment. Knowing that they have your support could give your loved one the additional strength they need to work through their program.
The second thing you need to do is keep your conversations light-hearted when your family member calls you from rehab. Try not to get wrapped up in making big plans for the future; this can cause your family member to feel stressed out and could interfere with their treatment. At the same time, it does not help to dwell endlessly on the past- your family member is making a step towards change, and that is what you should focus on. When they call you, ask them questions about their treatment. Ask them what they are doing with their days and how they feel about it. Keep the focus on their treatment or other light-hearted topics. Your family member's focus needs to be on the present -- not on the past or the future -- and you can help keep it focused on the present by being conscious of what you say to them.
Finally, get involved. If your family member's treatment program also has a family component to it, take advantage of it. Many alcohol rehabilitation programs offer educational opportunities for family members as well as advice and assistance with repairing broken relationships and moving on together.
While your family member is in rehab, make sure you take the time to address any issues that their disease brings up or causes in your life. By taking care of yourself first, you will be better equipped to be there for them. When you talk to your family member in rehab, keep the conversation focused on the present as well as their progress and how glad you are that they are going through this tough process. Your support will help them continue with their program and hopefully be successful.
To learn more, contact a company like Bridgeway Recovery Services Inc. with any questions you have.